Miyerkules, Enero 20, 2016

Lesson 5

Lesson 5

Preferences of the technology generation

First,              Text vs. Visuals          in or to research, we are going to the library, use the card catalogue for needed books and sign up to borrow books for home reading. Nowadays we are now exposed to the new technology in such manner that their visual fluency or abilities have been sharpened & enhances.

Second,                      Linear vs. Hypermedia                  before they obtained information in linear,logical, sequential manner. Nowadays , we were access to hyperlinked multimedia 
digital information.

Third,       Social learners vs. Independent    experts describes this mode of digital 
learning as one that based on experimentation discovery & institutions.


Fourth,          Learning to do vs. learning to pass the test     which is the old teachers teach students in order to help them pass tests. On the other hand, the new digital learners 
simply wish to acquire skills, knowledge & habits as windows of opportunity afford them to learn

Fifth,        delayed rewards vs. instant gratification           the traditional reward 
system in education consists the grades, medals, or certificates. On the other hand the 
gratification consists an immediate scores from games and etc.

Lastly,                   Rote memory vs. Fun learning                   its about learning and 
memorization while the other is through fun learning.

Teachers need to connect with digital learners and 

not the old traditional world.

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