Miyerkules, Enero 20, 2016

Lesson 5

Lesson 5

Preferences of the technology generation

First,              Text vs. Visuals          in or to research, we are going to the library, use the card catalogue for needed books and sign up to borrow books for home reading. Nowadays we are now exposed to the new technology in such manner that their visual fluency or abilities have been sharpened & enhances.

Second,                      Linear vs. Hypermedia                  before they obtained information in linear,logical, sequential manner. Nowadays , we were access to hyperlinked multimedia 
digital information.

Third,       Social learners vs. Independent    experts describes this mode of digital 
learning as one that based on experimentation discovery & institutions.


Fourth,          Learning to do vs. learning to pass the test     which is the old teachers teach students in order to help them pass tests. On the other hand, the new digital learners 
simply wish to acquire skills, knowledge & habits as windows of opportunity afford them to learn

Fifth,        delayed rewards vs. instant gratification           the traditional reward 
system in education consists the grades, medals, or certificates. On the other hand the 
gratification consists an immediate scores from games and etc.

Lastly,                   Rote memory vs. Fun learning                   its about learning and 
memorization while the other is through fun learning.

Teachers need to connect with digital learners and 

not the old traditional world.

Lesson 2

Lesson 2


Concerned of : “Integrating Technology

into teaching and Learning”

The meaning of which is putting together technology into teaching and learning so that these will become exemplary 
users of educational technology.

Educational Technology 2 - involved a deeper understanding of 
the computer as well as hands on application of computer skills. 
Aims to infuse technology in the student teachers, training, helping them to 
adapt and meet rapid and continuing technological changes, particularly in the 
global \ICT environment.Used information technology to improve not only 
instruction but the school management program and curriculum.

The course objectives are:

1. To provide education in the use of technology in 
2. To impart learning expriences in instructional technology 
supported instructional planning.
3, To acquaint students on IT related learning theories with 
the computer as a tutor.
4. To learn, to use and evaluate computer-based educational resources.
5. To engage learners on practical technology integration 
6. To inculcate higher level thinking and creativity among students while providing them knowledge of IT-related learning 

Six manifestation of Technology Integration 
into instruction

1.There’s a change in the way classes are traditionally conducted.

2.The quality of instruction is improved to higher level in such a 
way that could not have been achieved without educational 

3. There is planning by the teacher on the process of determining 
how and when technology fits into the teaching learning process.

4. The teacher sets instructional strategies to adress specific 
instructional issues/problems.

5.The use of technology provides the opening of opportunities to 
respond to these instructional issues/problems.

6.Technology occupies a position in the instructional process.

Levels of Integration

1.Simple/ Basic integration- Technology 
helps but it does not play a pivotal role.

2.Middle level integration- There is purposeful use of technology to support key 
learning areas.

3. High level integration- technology is the central instruction tool.

Lesson 4

Lesson 4

Bridging the Generation Gap

Bridging the generation gap is a lesson where it talks about the changes that our educational educational system is now experiencing. As to the educational technology advancement, school from progressive countries are fortunate enough compared to our country, the Philippines. 

Technologies, are actually well-known to us but not all are 
able to use any of those because of poverty and scarcity of 
resources. Although , there are still those well- off people or 
school who can exploit it and that they are lucky because 
there is something which can help them in their studies.

  By,that to bridge the gap of generation from traditional to the modern one, information and communication technology ( ICT) was introduced .Through this, we as a developing country will be globally competitive as to the advancement in 
terms of technology. because educational system is now adapting this for the 
common good of the new generation learners.
  In the field of education, a huge generation gap also exists and it will 
continue to widen unless some changes are adopted at the proper time. In 
peasant third world countries where schools don’t have technogy facilities , it 
is undestandable that the transition to digital education may take time.But 
given the rapid emergence of digital technology (ICT), there is the need to 
prepare for bridging the digital in society l. First, we need to understand the 
potentials of ICT.

The new network of instantaneous communication is global, overcoming borders between countries and continents

Much of what elders believe may not be applicable anymore to the new generation, especially along matters of traditional value systems.

Alvin Tofflers book, Future shock, shows how the information age has begun to create many cultural changes in the family, societies, bussinesses, governments such as what he calls the throw-away society, modular man , kinetic image, scientific trajectory, fractured family, surfeit of subcults, psychological dimensions, etc.

Since the new generations are expected to face a future professional challenge of a digital world ahead of them, technology- supported skills need to be taught in schools today, or else schools wil become a white elephant. If schools fail to respond to emergent changes and needs, new learners may lose appreciation of the educational system, and drop out of schools, as surveys show an increasing drop-out rate every year. Learning at home and availing digital learning systems like tge Open Universities may save the day, but the situation remains bleak for schools stodily adhering  to the old educational system.

Lesson 3

Lesson 3

Understanding Technology Learners

Understanding technology 
learners in really big 
advantage for us future 
teachers.We can be able 
to know what appropriate material to use that suits 
to their abilities and skills. It also help us to maintain the focus & interest of our learners, and in that a case the learning process become enjoyable for them.

Information Technology Learners (Digital Learners)                
- A video is presented in discussing the characteristics of a 
digital learner.

21st century learning is done with:

Collaboration - Learning how to work w/ others to achieve a common purpose.

Communication- Students use their mobile devices to discuss content they are learning with 
others, set goals for themselves, and share new concepts.

Critical Thinking - Helps to construct a firm foundation for personalized learning. 

Creativity- Create a new information.

 In case, the concern for digital learner is not well understood, it serves to know what scientists say as, follows;
 * These are positive benefits derived from the use of information technology.
 * Daily exposure to high technology, personal computers,, video games, gadgets, cellphones, internet, search site.Stimula😒te the brain by strengthening & creating neural circuits.
* A current technological revolution is creating an intellectual revolution 
faster and better than ever before.

The new generation of the 21st millenium is not the kind of learner that they were, but are information technology or digital learners.

Lesson 1

Review of Educational Technology 1

Lesson 1

This lesson has given us a short review on Educational Technology 1 which also let us recall the things tackled in Ed.Tech 1 & eventually be applied in Ed.Tech 2

EducationalTechnology 1 
is the application of technology in the educative process that takes place in education institutions .

There are Four Phases in 

Ed.Tech these are :

First, The setting learning objectives

Second, Designing specific learning experience

Third, Evaluating the effectiveness of learning experience

Fourth, Revising teaching learning experience for improving 
future instructional activities

 In Ed.Tech 1 we differentiate the Tech. in EducationInstructional Technology & Technology Integration

Technology in Education - is the application of technology in the operation of educational institutions.

Instructional Technology- is refers to aspects of educational technology that are concerned with instructions.

Technology integration - is using learning technologies to introduce and extend skills.

We tackled also in Ed.Tech 1 the Roles of teaching in learning

Technology as tools to support knowledge construction

Technology as information vehicles for exploring 

Technology as context to support learning by doing

Technology as a social medium to support learning by conversing

Technology as intellectual partner to support learning by reflecting

 The Course objectives are:
1. To orient the learner of educational technology in society.
2. To lend familiarization on how educational technology cab be utilized as media for 
teaching learning process.
3. To uplift the learner to human learning through the use of learning technology.
4. To impart skills in planning,designing,using & evaluating the technology enriched 
teaching learning process.